Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where do you think he works?

                        Mr McManly by Meg Johnstone

Mr McManly got out of bed early one Saturday morning and lumbered into his humongous kitchen. His wife was there and on the table was a delicious, steaming hot breakfast of crispy bacon and pancakes, which were drizzled with golden syrup. He sat down in his large, comfy wooden chair and started eating his breakfast. About 10 minutes later he marched upstairs and got into his big white pants, dark blue top, and put his size 13 shoes on before striding downstairs again. He called goodbye to his wife and got into his big black Austin Martin.
He drove into town and pulled up outside a huge, flash white building on the main road. He toddled into the building and weaved his way through the tables and chairs to the kitchen. He puts on his big apron and white hat, got out a pan and puts it on the stove. Mr McManly hears Bob shout, 
"One beef and pineapple sandwich!" Mr McManly quickly grills a sandwich and shouts, 
"Orders up!"


  1. A wonderful piece of writing Meg. Great adjectives!

  2. Well done Meg great story love it.

  3. What a brilliant story awesome verbs and adjectives, good work Meg
