Thursday, May 5, 2011

Class Fish.

In Room 1 we have four cockabillies in our fish tank. Sam brought us two at the beginning of the year and two more have appeared since then, one very mysteriously! Under the motor of the air pump in the tank is a sac of small eggs. I wonder if they will hatch? Do you have to have male and female cockabillies for the eggs to hatch or does it not matter like with some species? Who can find the answer to this so we know if we might have some baby fish??


  1. The eggs will hatch but the two parent Cockabillies will eat the newly hatched Cockabillies.I have had that happen too me with my breeding pair of sword tails at home

  2. I hope they do hatch!

  3. They are starting to get big.Maybe one will get the size of a golf ball.

  4. I hope that they play together kk.

  5. I really hope they hatch soon.MJ 8*]

  6. I hope they hatch soon and the Mum and Dad don't eat them.Th 8^}

  7. I hope the parents don 't eat the other cockabillies ! Theres one that I named but now I can't find it .MW

  8. That's disappointing that the mother and father will eat the babies as soon
    as they have hatched.

  9. They're really pretty fish and i hope that they don't eat them.MJ
